How Can I Prepare My Child for the Future?
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”
There’s some truth in that statement but it’s not the full story. That’s because those who can adapt well in the future are those who have a solid foundation and a fallback. For example, people who failed in their first career or business can still immediately get back on their feet if they have supportive parents, some savings, good health and a strong professional network.
How can you prepare your child for the future?
When it comes to your child, it’s good to focus on how he/she can immediately get back up even if there’s an initial failure or setback. It’s similar to preparing for the worst case scenario: if the worst indeed happens, it could be quite easy to recover because you’re ready and you already anticipated the consequences, problems and solutions.
You can help your child become better prepared for those cases and scenarios by fully supporting his/her holistic development (especially in the first five years when rapid brain development occurs). For example, if your child has a strong self-esteem and feels confident, he/she can better navigate the reality and the new environments and challenges he/she is about to encounter. Your child will also have an easy time making new friends and forming professional connections in the near future.
Physical health and vitality is also important for your child’s holistic development and future success. It’s just a bit easier for someone to focus on career or business goals if he/she is healthy (fewer things to worry about). Also, being healthy means fewer absences and fewer lost opportunities. For children, this means they will always be present in school and they’re always on track and updated with their studies (they won’t have to catch up).
Preparing your child for the future also means making him/her better equipped to deal with life’s challenges while minimising the downtime and interruptions (e.g. because of good health, there will be zero or minimal number of sick days and always present in extra-curricular activities). This way, your child will be exposed to more opportunities and gain more fun experiences as well. As a result, your child will be better prepared for the future because of the positive momentum and the valuable experiences he/she gained along the way.